It seems that every season that comes along
"my favorite time of year".
Autumn is no exception.
It is my favorite time of year!
Brisk weather, falling leaves, and shorter days
inspire me to turn my attention
from my gardens and farm
back into my home.
The Jack-o-lanterns are back in the attic,
but autumn decor remains
to brighten the house for Thanksgiving.

I had to add this little snowman, however....
just as a reminder that Christmas is right around the corner!
And, Christmas is my favorite time of year.
A pumpkin candle helps to give the kitchen
a warm, homey glow....
while a batch of chili cooks in the crockpot.
A mug of hot tea,
and I am ready to settle in for the evening.
A roaring fire beckons me to sit and reflect on the day.
There is no better place, when cold winds blow,
than to sit by a warm fire, with a mug of tea,
or a bowl of hot chili.
Happy Autumn!