The return of cold wintry weather
gave me the opportunity to direct my attention to the kitchen.
Baking took the place of gardening this past week.
I tried a new recipe from my favorite cookie book...
Spritz butter cookies with a dark chocolate filling.
So, so good!
I think they would be perfect for a tea party or shower.
They are so easy and quick, too!
Any time I come across "bee" items for the kitchen,
I cannot resist.
I found a pan to make this yummy almond cake...
Each honeycomb section is the perfect portion size.
The recipe is a keeper, too!
Whole grain dough, rising....
yielded three loaves of delicious bread.
This weekend three of our kids came to cook Saturday dinner.
I only wish I had taken pictures....
we had the yummiest pretzel rolls for our
local, pasture raised beef and goat cheese burgers.