It has been so long since I have had a chance to post what I am doing. As of late, the creativity has been on hold. I have been spending most of my days at the construction site, and the rest of them catching up on household and farm chores. The light at the end of the tunnel is there, though, and I can see the future when chores are manageable, the moving is over, and my sewing room is decorated and open for business once again. For now, though I am concentrating on gardening and farm projects. Of particular interest is the new
henhouse that I have just gotten ready. I have ordered 25 hens...an ornamental layer grouping. These should be wonderful showy chickens with colorful plumage and some with top hats and leg feathers. Their eggs will be varied. Here are a few of the girls...

I have ordered a Golden
Campine rooster . He will look like this on arrival....
(picture courtesy of McMurray Hatchery)
And will grow up to look like this.....

Getting beehives ready for occupancy has also been a major project this spring. I am painting 5 new garden hives and also enough hive boxes and supers to move my old "gals" into five more freshly painted hives. I have 4 more bee seminars to attend throughout the Spring also.
What time I have leftover I spend deep within my imagination...decorating the log home that is soon to be completed. At that point I will resume daily posting on this blog inviting you to a big open house reveal. What fun I will have with that! Until then....have a wonderful Spring and please visit my farm blog as that is where the action will be for now.
Wow...such pretty hens..your new rooster will be very proud (and very busy)
I hope you had a blessed Easter!!
The hens are beautiful!! When will you have them all?
Are those not the cutest birds! Lovely variety you will have. The rooster will be so handsome too.
See you on farm blog
Love the new chickens! Yep, will be anxiously awaiting the unveiling of the interior! I know it will be a dream.
Hugs, Steph
You will enjoy the new chickens! There is nothing better than that! Where will you get your bees from? I find beekeeping so interesting. Blessings,Kathleen
whoooooooooooooo hhoooooooooooooooooo fancy chickies, went to the poultry show yesterday, the possibilities are endless. where did you find the chicken clip art there?
Beautiful roosters those are going to be.
I'll have to show you my chicken quilt I made for my mother.
Can't wait to see your decorating.
Rebecca P
your chicken yard will be really fun it looks like.lots of variety.
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