Hi there! I just thought I would stop by my sewing room to say hello and let you know that I am alive and well. I have been spending my days in the garden and amongst the beehives. Spring is an incredibly busy time on the farm and most of my days are spent out of doors. Even rainy days provide a time to get caught up with work in the barn. I suspect that until we move into and occupy the log home, I will be spending most of my time out of doors.

I miss my sewing room so much, but have great plans for my new sewing room. In the next week or two the painter will be painting my two sewing room walls that are not log, and after that point I will begin to do some of the faux painting (wisteria) that will decorate my space. My sewing room theme will be "Feathering Your Nest"...with a nature theme for inspiration. At that point, I will share my progress with you on this blog.
From that point on, this blog will be dedicated to home-decorating as we set up permanent residence in our log house, here on the farm. I suspect I will return to sewing and crafting projects again by late this fall and wintertime. So for now...........we will soon embark on a journey into making a house into a home. Stay tuned for the fun...
I am definitely looking forward to the fun as you create your new space!!
Hi Beverly,
Glad all is well with you! I've missed your posts! Good luck on setting up your new home...a log cabin sounds exciting!
It will be so good when your sewing room is finished. Outside work does tend to take over at this time of year though. I've had two spears from my asparagus! It's not thriving yet ;)
Kim x
I love the theme that you are going with....
Hi Bev
Just stopped by to tell you hi, I haven't visited in a while.
I love the picture of your Wisteria blooms.
Sounds like you have been really busy!
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