It has always sort of been my mantra that I can do just about anything I put my mind to. With this as my motto, I have never been afraid to do much of anything. I always reason that the worse thing that can happen is that I can fail. And if that is the case, well, I am no further behind than if I had not even tried. And so it has been with crafting and sewing....I forge boldly ahead. I celebrate my successes and trash my failures.

I headed to Lowes and bought a $2 piece of wood, cut out a circle with Hubbs' jig saw....using the technique of finding the center of the board and then nailing a string to the center with a pencil tied on the opposite end to fashion a simple compass. A few minutes of sanding and I had a perfectly round, smooth canvas on which to start. I resurrected my old tole paints and brushes and got to work.
By noontime, today I had finished the sign.....and here it is. All in all I am quite happy with it. I believe I like it much better than the original artwork given me by the art teacher. At some point in the near future I will proudly hang it by the entrance to our farm. If you happen to pass this sign....stop in for a visit!

Oh I love your sign way better than the art teacher's one!!
Colorful and a wonderful job, congrats!!
I love your sign! It's wonderful!!! Your little candle mat is cute too.
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