Stand in the doorway of my craft room and this is what you see. Above the window hangs an old barn ladder woven with branches, ivy, paper wasp nest, birds nests and the word IMAGINE. I will add small twinkle lights to this for a touch of magic.

To the right of the window is an antique pie safe that is home to some of my fabric collection. On top of the pie safe is a picture painted by a friend many years ago and a cloche covering a bird's nest with eggs.

Fabric is neatly arranged and held in antique gym locker baskets. Remember them? Buttons and other small notions have found a home in old glass jars decorated with vintage pictures.

To the left of the window is one of my treadle machines (yes, it works). Blue pottery vases hold scissors, markers and paintbrushes.

Another wire school locker hangs above the treadle and holds more fabric and trims.

An old glove form hold a horsehair nest that I found on the ground in our barn and an egg that I found on the ground outside. Behind that hand is another wire rack that is home to vintage salt shakers filled with glitter.
Bev, It's so tidy! Where's the cutting table and the quilting machine??
I need to see it with fabric scraps in the floor..hehehe
You know I'm just playing with's absolutely lovely!!! :0)
I love, love the old pie safe..
Hugs, Steph
there are just no words...your sewing/craft room is just too amazing...there's got to be a magazine that deserves to publish these photos..job well should be's beautiful
I just finished catching up on your farm blog to see the progression of your lovely home. And now here I am to see the fun sewing room. What a wonderful place to sew and create. Congrats on finally getting your sewing space back!
What a beautiful craft room Bev! Just stunning! I love the window you have to look out of while you sew away!
What a great craft room! LOVE IT.
Hi Beverly! Just stopping by for a visit to your B~E~A~U~T~I~F~U~L craft room! I just love it!
Have a great weekend creating!
I love your room! I think I love the sewing machine looking out the window the best! Inspiring. But the ladder with the twinkle lights is right at #2! ;)
Oh, it must be nice to go into your room and create. It is gorgeous and so organized.
There is nothing like a good fresh peach and the dish you made looks great.
Keep Stitchen'
Love those "Glitter Shakers" of yours....wink wink...
Hi Beverly,
I came across your blog thru Bella Rosa and am glad I did. Love your new crafting space and all the neat ideas. I am also excited to try your peach praline crisp. Sounds great.
What a great craft room. I love it. Such wonderful touches. The antique lockers are my favorite.
Fabulous! I love pie safes~had a few in my old life and could sure use them now~they are PERFECT for fabric storage. Makes it so much easier to plan when you can easily SEE your fabric selections. OMG on the gym locker baskets!! blast from the past~heheheeeeeeeeee
love your new studio.
glitter shakers..........great idea, that i had not thought of!!! everything is looking swell my friend!
sweet the glitter in the antique shakers.....very sweet!
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