It seems I am running a bit late with everything these days. About 2 weeks ago I welcomed my 10,000th blog visitor and thought I would post a give-away. Then Valentine's Day came and I thought I would post a give-away. Well, today, my Apronology entry apron was returned to me in the mail....and I think I will host a give-away. While there are still a few days left in February, I will host a Romance giveaway and give my apron named "Romance".
Please leave me a comment and tell me what "romance" means to you.....to be entered in the giveaway. I will draw a name on February 28th and post the winner. Then this little apron will be on her way to a new home.
Let's keep romance alive! And....thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your visits and your comments mean the world to me.

Romance isn't just about flowers, music, etc. It's the ability to endure all that life throws at a couple, and they end up stronger and closer than ever before. Romance is being one another's best friend.
Romance is when after many years, your heart still skips a beat when your beloved walks into the room.
Romance is cooking, cleaning, raising children, because they all are done out of love.
Hi Beverly, I think romance first of all comes from the heart. You cherish the simple things in life and blossom from there. It also helps to have chocolate, candles, and lacy, frilly ,girly things. LOL
Gail from Oregon
Bev~I would love a chance to win this wonderful apron. Please put my name in.
I would love to be entered in your apron giveaway. It is too adorable! So feminine and elegant!
I would love to be entered in your apron giveaway. It is too adorable! So feminine and elegant!
Romance for me is being with the ones I love, my brother and his partner. They live very far away so that is not possible unfortunately. But to me that is "romance" in a brother/sister way:)
And ofcourse cuddling and snuggling on the couch with Elvis.........the sweetest kitty in the whole wide world ♥♥
Hugs from Marian/Dutchy n MJF
your apron is sooo beautiful- I would love to have a chance to enter.
thank you-
Romance is about great passion within ones life. It is the excitement between two people that has never been produced before "them". It is like music from one end of the scale to the other.
Romance for me is being able to say without a doubt that you have "the love of your life", life would be unbearable without them.
Romance is about loving unconditionally,it's tenderness and encouragement, laughing til you cry, crying til you laugh!, dancing in the rain, feeling deeply about the "present moment", reaching for dreams no matter what anyone else thinks.
Romance is a heart condition that many wish for....some live it personally, some live it as a dream.
Queen of Dreamsz
Romance after many years is still being able to look across the room and feel that connection that makes you feel warm all over.
love your Aprons!
I forgot to answer the question because I was so excited to have a chance to win this wonderful apron.
Romance is going through the thick and thin and not just surviving but still loving each other and showing it in special ways. It is easy to forget about that when things are tough but I think if you make sure to remember these little things it is true romance.
I would love to win this apron...
Romance to me is special verbal/non verbal signs love, an unselfish extention of oneself to bring pleasure, tears, laughter and thoughtfulness when a person least expects it. That warm fuzzy feeling you get when your loved one is in the room without saying a word...
Romance..... well romance is the
"richer or poorer.. for better or worse..sickness and health"....and especially the "till death do us part" part.
I think that romance is the sound of my husband doing the dishes from the the dinner he fixed tonight while I'm playing on the computer...no, I'm really trying to find all the the papers for taxes.
Romance is looking at him from anywhere in the room and knowing by the look in his eyes that he was thinking of you (and he may blush). After 26 years ..it's still warm and fuzzy, and amzing.
Romance is little things done each day or a phone call just to say I love you. A single flower. (doesnt have to be a rose.) I will keep my fingers crossed! Blessings, Karen
Well my DH isn't much of the romantic type. I haven't seen a flower with my name on it in years but that is ok. I like them in the garden better anyway. Romance to me is the fact that he know how much I love fabric and never grumbles when I want to stop at a remote quilt shop. It is that he knows what kind of fabric I love and goes to the quilt store every Christmas and picks out fabric just for me from what they have. He won't even let the shop lady show him what she thinks I like. It is the fact that for Valentine's day he bought me a box of the most wonderful marzipan I have ever had, because our wedding cake was a Sweedish marzipan cake which I can't get anymore and he wanted to remind me quietly that he remembered that and that he loves me.
Romance in books is fabulous and I love to read it but I love marzipan in a box on Valentine's day better.
My dear hubs says "I love you more than I did this morning." or he says "I love you more than I did an hour ago." or he says "I love you more than I did five minutes ago."
After 25 years of marriage, I think that's pretty darn cool.
Beautiful apron - Would love to show off you work at my Garden Room Events at the Farm this summer!
Romance is a soft breeze on your skin, a flutter of your heart, a sweet scent of flowers, a melt in your mouth chocolate followed by a kiss.
Ann - Forrester Farm
Romance is when my Polish husband says something in english, but with polish grammar, and makes my heart laugh and love simultaneously.
The apron you made is so beautiful!
Wow, beautiful apron, so add me to the pot, please and thanks! Romance is so many things in so many moments in time, but ongoing romance is being in love with life, seeing the flowers in the garden as gifts from a beloved, birdsong being offered by a few sweeties perched nearby. That kind of romance spreads to everyone near and dear in your life. Hugs, Nance in France
hey Bev,
simply said, Romance to me means sharing a bag of popcon & watching a favorite movie for the umptenth time with my sweetie..... Romance/happiness is being married to your best friend, finishing each others sentences, laughing at each others goofy moments and accepting each other as we are, no make-up, grubby jeans and exhausted from working together on the property all day in the sun.
Ah, and true Love is when your hubby lets you test drive the new tractor first!!!
I am married to the best, funniest & romantic guy! I am so blessed.
Romance means being with someone you love and treasuring every moment. Whether the moment is having a romantic dinner or just watching TV, as long as that person is with you, it's romantic.
Romance to me is not the commercialized, or Hollywood , Fairytale book views..rather it is being there , with and for, the ones that you love and that love you. In the good, bad, and the ugly, through thick and thin.It is even sometimes the being able to sit quietly together in the same room , or in a car together and even without saying a word you can feel the love, the understanding,the true compassion and adoration for one another.
Then too... It is laughing together, crying together,communicating, understanding and sharing together all of lifes ups and downs. It is that Knowing in your heart that someone loves you for you.
wow, romance. I think that word means many things to different people.
To ME, it means "romantic love" that I share with my husband and no one else. Sometimes,it means doing a little 'something' to brighten up a day or heat up a night. Sometimes, it means walking by your loved one and grabbing them and dancing half way down the hall before pulling away to finish the laundry.....it whispers long after the first blush of love.......
I would love to be in your give-away.. but I am sort of lost as to what romance should be as its been a while since I have been in a relationship. But to me romance is doing the unexpected that will make your partner happy when the day has been sort of crummy or a just because I was thinking of you is what romance is to me. It doesn't have to be much. Just that small gesture of love.
Beautiful apron. After 27 years we are still romantic. Little notes, a bottle of wine, candlelight and a candy bar when he comes home from the store. Thinking of each other all the time and secret smiles. A whispered I love you in a crowd.
The interaction between two individuals, when you are 100% satisfied, but still just can't get enough.
PS - don't put me in the drawing, just wanted to see if you'd find this!!!
Love ya Mom!!!
Awwwwww, my son, the romantic!! You are going to someday make some very lucky young lady extremely happy! Love ya, too!!
hee hee, now everyone in Blogland knows what a sweetheart of a son you have... gigggle!
What a blessing...
I love your aprons, they are inspirational. Your giveaway apron is beautiful. To me romance is like a sun-ripened peach, so warm and sweet, juice dripping down to the elbows, full flavored, perfectly ripe....now barely hanging from the tree, saying, "pick me, pick me!"
MJF Oregongal
Cute aprons! Romance to me is what people do for each other to make each other happy. First you have to know someone well enough to know what that is! For example, an unhurried dinner in front of a warm fire with good conversation can create memories that last forever. Those memories are what get you through the tough time.
Romance to me are the little thoughful things we can do throughout the year for all our loved one. Little gifts from the heart, "I love the person you have become" or "I just love you for being you", they all sound corny but they warm our hearts.
I can't believe this giveaway, what a wonderful apron! kpaints
Romance is when my husband does the dishes, and when I tell him to stop it, cause it's my job, he insists that I do plenty and he needs to do it. I think romance is a lot of kindness and thoughtfullness.
I love the apron!
I would love to be in the drawing for the pretty apron.
Romance is still being each other's best friend after nearly 30 years together. We enjoy doing the simple things together. Whether it is clean house, work in the yard, he folds while I iron and so on.
My husband has always been there for me. On our second date, he asked me if I would be his steady, and when I said "Yes," he pulled out his calendar because he wanted to plan our wedding date, 2 years in advance. That was 33 years ago.
Dh is always there for me, even when he is busy at work. When I am tired,my husband would let me sleep in, and he would surprise me by washing the dishes or do other things around the house to help out. When I cut the bottom of my foot seriously last year, he would faithfully clean the deep wound, put the ointment on and bandage my foot.
Oh my goodness, this is a beautiful apron.
Romance, to me, means love like no other. It's holding hands, soft kisses, and knowing that you love and that you are loved unconditionally. Romance is the butterflies in your stomach when your husband looks at you or smiles at you. I could go on and on, but I'll stop here :)
For me romance is spending a day with my husband with no kids, no phones and no computers... Add in a great dinner with one fancy martini and I'm totally happy. Thanks for this great giveaway!
Romance to me is when you do (or someone does) something special no matter how big or small for someone they care about just because...
Romance gives you that special little feeling in your tummy that lets you know you are really cared about. That you are special to someone and worth so much to them.
I would love to have that apron. I've never seen one so cute. I love the color combo, the layers and ruffles.
I'm going to post your giveaway on my blog.
Romance to me is when you do (or someone does) something special no matter how big or small for someone they care about just because...
Romance gives you that special little feeling in your tummy that lets you know you are really cared about. That you are special to someone and worth so much to them.
I would love to have that apron. I've never seen one so cute. I love the color combo, the layers and ruffles.
I'm going to post your giveaway on my blog.
Hmmmm. Romance to me is comfortable. It's being able to be together without talking or with talking...either is fine. Romance is doing things that both people enjoy. Romance is inside jokes, laughter and...of course passion!
Thanks for making me THINK!!
Romance is lace, vintage, hand holding, sweet little surprises.
Karen K
Romance for me is when after 28 years together my husband still takes my hand in his when we walk together. Simple.
Hello Bev!
How wonderful a giveaway for one of your precious aprons! A girl can never have enough aprons!
As I get older romance means to me something so different as L O N G ago! To be married for 38 years this year is so tender for Don & I. Just knowing we love each other more than the day we met and our kisses are still as passionate, is romance to me! Heavenly bliss! ;)
Romance is unspeakable passion between 2 lovers any time of the year.
Debbie Kay
Beehive Cottage, Maryjane ...you are added...as well as Egghead. I lost my mind and somehow deleted your comment....oh my...it has been a long day...sorry. Your names are in the hat, though.
Ronna, I have not forgotten you, either, your name is in the hat as well!
Hi Beverly, I hope I am not to late to get in on this! This apron is so beautiful!
Romance to me is spending time with my dear husband!
Love, Ann
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