Today we have been hit by a frigid arctic blast. The wind is whistling outside my windows. There is no sign of wildlife today.....too cold. That makes it a perfect day to sit by a crackling fire, with a hot cup of tea and pour through seed catalogs. I am planning this summer's garden. I will order the necessary items like bird netting and landscape fabric (to keep down the weeds between rows of berries and veggies). Then I am free to explore all the produce possibilities. Each year new catalogs arrive...ones that I had never seen before, and the world of possibilities grows and grows. I am thinking that this year I will order some heirloom vegetables from around the world. If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can almost feel the warm, loamy soil sifting through my fingertips and the salty-sweet juice from the first bite of a plump, rosy, ripe tomato as it drips off my chin. Ahhhhh...counting the days til Spring as the wind continues its wintery refrain.
I've been sifting through my new catalogs as well. Deciding what I don't want/didn't use much from last year, and new things I'd like to try. I think spuds are going to be on the menu as something new. Also some squash~the orange fleshed kind that I can use for baked goods~get a little vit.A in there. hugs, B
I really need to try to think spring but all I can see is WEDDING!!! I can't fertilize till the end of Feb. so having things in bloom for April 12th is a little dicey.
Right now I have the most beautiful vining vinca blooming-hope it lasts till April.
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