I found this little nest out by the barn. It was constructed entirely of horse hair from the tail of one or more of our horses. I love how birds use whatever raw materials they can find to lovingly build their nursery. I am not sure why I thought that the crook of my old typewriter would be a good final resting place for this abandoned nest, but somehow I like the contrast. The eggs came to me by way of my Mom (her neighbor has an egg-laying cockateel) and the feathers are from our guineas. This photo seems like a still-life collage to me. Please leave me a message with a good title for this picture (by the way....
anyone can leave me a comment)
Addendum: Suggested titles thus far inlude..."The Nesting Type", "Keys to Flight", "By The Letter, and "This'll Do". Wow, you guys are creative!! Any more?
Here's a title: 'The Nesting Type'
I love your vignette! So beautiful and evocative.
Great idea, katie!!!
I have two of them- one is mine the other my husband thought of.
Keys to Flight and By the Letter-
Great photo as always.
great, Autumn! Wow...you even got the hubby thinking....I am flattered!!
This picture reminds me of a story I read from MJ's book or magazine about a bird nesting in a fake nest that she had out for a decoration. I am also amazed how birds use what is available to them. so I want to call your collage .. This'll do .. it can be an example of happily making do with what we have available.
cheryl (cw246)
I love your music~I remember David Arkenstone from years ago, and used to sew to a tape of his that I had!! lol B
How about Birds of a feather flock together for a title.
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