These are certainly not the hands of a lady...one who sits in her best frock with her needlework on her lap, whiling away the day sipping tea and stitching intricate designs on fine linen. No, these are the hands of a tee-shirt, blue-jean clad farmgirl who has spent her day with shovel, rake and hoe...tilling the soil and planting a myriad of yummy vegetable seeds in her garden. Her knees are soiled, her shirt grimey, her hair on top of her head in a knot. Her shoes are caked with manure and her fingernails are no longer recognizable.
The satisfaction of a long day's work in the soil is her only harvest today...for the rest she will have to be patient. In the meantime, she will shower, put on a clean frock and return to her needlework while the warmth of the sun and the richness of the soil finish the job she began.
So true!
I have no idea what my nails are suppose to look like let along what it feels like to have hands that are not snagging on my clothes. And tomorrow I will be at my elderly neighbors home helping her did up Crysanthimums.(sp)..
But I am proud, as I am sure you are too, of my hard working hands.
I have to just laugh at myself, when I see gals with long painted manicured nails. How the heck do they get any work done? Hire maids?
I like the look of hard worked hands. They have honour all over them.
That said, I sure could do without my calluses when I am spinning silk, catches something awful it does!
Those are certainly happy hands
My Sweet Bev! You brought me to tears in this post. I am so blessed to know you and to have you in my life! You are so good for me and all those who know you. Your hands are beautiful, useful and loving. They serve the Lord, your family & friends. Everything your hands touch are a testimony of who you are, a daughter of God who loves life and lives it to the fullest! I love you Bev and for the beautiful woman you are! Happy Mother's Day dear friend of mine. Love, Maryjane
Well this is the 4th tme I have tried to post a comment- it keeps disconnecting me.
Beautiful words and beautiful hands- I think hard work has been good to you. You are a beautiful person inside and out!
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