I'd like to say a huge thank you to Kim at Oakmoon for this lovely award. It's very sweet of you to nominate me, Kim, thank you!
Now I am going to nominate some blogs that are my favorites to read.
The Rules for those recieving an award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received the award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs nominated
Those nominated, in random order, are:
Maryjane from The BeeHive Cottage for a most beautifully inspiring, magazine-like blog!
Ruthann from Warm Pie, Happy Home for a wonderfully homey blog with vintage appeal!
Stephanie of Queen of Dreamsz for our shared love of vintage fabric!
Grace, Katmom, because she is a kindred spirit and the best darned lavender farmer!
Anne of Anne Fannie's Green Acres for the most inspiring gardens!
Jess of the Hectic Household because she is one of the most creative Moms I know!
Awww..that's so nice!! I love your blog too. :0)
Thanks so much Bev, you are awesome. :)!!!!!
Thank you Beverly for thinking my blog was worthy of this award!
And congratulations to you for receiving the award too. Your aprons are out of this world!
awe pashaw! I blush,,,,
I pale by comparison to your creative ideas in the sewing room.
Hmmm, osmosis might help me glean some of your talents!
Oh, I'm back..will you look at that!? So glad you enjoy my blog! So am I supposed to do something now on my blog?? sorry my brain stays hung in between gears these days..LOL
Love ya, Steph
My Goodness Bev! Thank You soooooo much for this sweet, fun award!!! I am honored and love you to pieces my dear!
well deserved
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