In spite of that, we ended up having a wonderful family day we. All of the "kids" (not goats this time) found their way to the farm today and we ended up doing a bunch of projects together. We moved stones away from our rock save to make another garden when the log home is built. We chopped wood. We cleaned pastures. And we built three more elevated garden boxes in the vegetable garden.

Hunter, Jack, Ryan, Tim and Bryan (engineering team)

Bev (heavy equiment operator)

Ryan, Bryan, Tim (excavators)

Jenn and Hunter (Gator Crew)
Amanda (supervisor)
Primo and Rocky (canine comic relief)
After the work was done we went 4-wheeling, took all the dogs to the pond to swim, did a little fishing and had a big farm lunch. Such fun...all of us around the table...babbling on and sharing experiences. This is the kind of day that we live for. Only one thing was missing...and that is Andy (our 4th....who lives in Charlotte, NC). We missed you today, Andy!!!
Thank you to Amanda and Tim, Jenn and Bryan and Hunter, and Ryan...without your help we could never have accomplished all that we did! We love you all!
what a nice day..happy for you
Your raised beds are beautiful. I'd love to know how you made them. What kind of wood you used, how high they are, do you line them with anything, like plastic (to keep treated wood from leaching chemicals?) We had some in our garden when we moved into our house, but they fell apart (they weren't made too well) and I'd love to build some more!
So nice to have family helping out with things like that, and working together and enjoying it and each other! Sounds like a wonderful day, even if you had to miss your balloon ride!
What fun!!!We call thoses days "fun family projects" days- when the kids were little they kinda dreaded it because it was work- but now they all reminisce about the "fun family projects".
Kinda got to be a family joke- it just meant we were ALL gonna work and have fun doing it! Tks for sharing your fun workday with us!!!
Ear protection and nary a crumb of dirt on you...indeed, you must be a master heavy equipment girlie! Surprising the guys didn't hog that job. ;-)
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