It seems that each and every morning brings a surprise. After a clear-sky night we were met by a bank of fog that hung in the air like wet, laundered sheets. I stood by the pasture waiting for enough daylight to walk the horses back to the barn for their breakfast. Listening, I could hear the sounds of the thankful cows as the neighboring dairy farmer eased their udder burden with the help of his milking machine. I heard the braying of a distant donkey, muffled by the moist air, and the wakening of our guinea hens in the old pine tree by the barn. The fog gave the pasture a surrealistic feel as I strained my eyes to focus on the silhouetted horses grazing just yards away from me. I gave my usual whistle and heads lifted from the grass and turned my way. I guessed that they strained their eyes, as I had just done, to see from where the whistling came. Slowly, they lumbered toward me and came into focus. Taking two ponies first, followed by the remaining three horses, we headed to the barn for the comforting warmth, light, and shelter found there.
After feeding the horses and making my rounds to the goats, chickens, guineas and ducks, I made my way back to the house for a farm breakfast....Fresh eggs, French toast and local peaches were my reward for the previous two hours' work.
This morning's fog began to dissipate and we headed out for a local Labor Day arts festival. When we climbed the hilly road that leads to our farm and entered the next valley we were treated to this view....the fog surrendering slowly to the warmth of the sunlight....another beautiful day in Cenral PA!

Every day brings a little piece of magic on the farm!
Isn't farm life wonderful? I just don't think I could ever go back to living in the city....although I do long for the days of waiting until 5 minutes before I needed to be somewhere and then leaving and STILL making it on time....right now, we have to leave at least 30 minutes ahead just to get to town....
it's so nice that someone like you is there to take it all in, digest it and appreciate it as you do
morning Bev,
Your discription of your beautiful C.P. morning makes me wish I were there too!(especially for the french toast!)
Thanx for sharing it with us.
hugz from E.Wash.
I just loved reading your words and I loved your photo. It gets foggy here also and I love to watch the fog roll in. Blessings, Kathleen
You have been given an award! Please stop by to get it!
The Bella Modiste
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