After what felt like hours of assembly, I finally finished putting together my quilting table. I am now ready to machine quilt my first "official" quilt. Although I have made previous crazy quilts and hand tied them, this is the first that will be quilted with a machine. I spent most of yesterday afternoon and night on the floor with what seemed like hundreds of metal parts...that eventually fit together (with a couple of problem areas.....a hammer worked fine on those). Now I have enough space to quilt even a king size quilt. There is not much room left over for any other activities in that room! Oh, but what fun this will be!!!
You are quite amazing, a fountain of productivity. :-)
Wish I could be there to watch the quilting. Which quilting system is this?
It is a Pfaff Grand quilter.
Awesome!!! Start some baby quilts and tuck them away for "later". "If you build it , they will come..." ROFL!! I gotta marry off my son first, but it doesn't stop me from filling a trunk with baby things in anticipation!! ;) hugs, B
Just beatiful!! Some day I want to learn to machine quilt!!
What other activities could you possibly want to do???? :)
Good for you- perseverance is a virtue. Ask me-I have none of it- at least where clothes sewing goes!
that is SO awesome !
WOW!! You have a great setup to make gorgeous quilts. I love that one on the frame. How did it end up coming out once it was totally done? Show pictures!!
wow..that's super..when you run out of projects...(that will be never) I'll provide the materials and you could do one for me...shams to match!!!!..you continue to amaze me
So...will you be doing quilting for people? For money of course. Just asking. It never hurts to ask.
That quilt will be gorgeous when it's finished.
Just so you know- I'll be uneasy till youre back in your place! :)
Have fun visiting your boy!
This is great! I am impressed. I am new to quilting but enjoying the journey.
I have been asked if I will quilt for other people....well after examining the job I did on this first quilt....I have a long way to go before I would ever ask someone to pay for my services. Besides....i want to make a quilt for each of the kids and then some as Christmas gifts....and hopefully at some point I will need to make a few baby quilts for grandchildren......hint hint....I am not getting any younger!!!!
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