Every year at this time the local Amish school has a benefit auction. Today was auction day...and so we headed off into the country to join in the fun. You can find just about anything at this auction....from intricate handmade quilts, and wooden and iron crafts to puppies and horses and carriages. There are food stands offering homemade icecream and pie, fresh warm homemade donuts, barbequed chicken and other irresistable treats. Of special interest is the homemade icecream which is made on site by a hand-cranked ice cream freezer that is hooked to a mill run by Haflinger ponies (like my Moonbeam). Each pony takes its turn to walk around the mill, carrying small children on its back for pony rides while cranking the ice cream freezer.

You can see the pony with his young rider hooked to the mill in this picture.
Everywhere you turn are groups of beautiful Amish children playing, while their parents busily prepare food and run the auction. This event is a yearly treat I would hate to miss!
what fun..hope you picked up some goodies
OK, That's it! Bev, I am comming to visit you next year at this time so you can take me to the Amish Peddlers Faire/Auction.....
How wonderful to be able to look at all the hand sewn quilts and smell all the wonderful baked goods!
Oh, how neat!! I would sooo love to attend that one year..y'all really live in a beautiful part of the country.
And this would be the reason PA is my top choice destination to visit!!! I love all things Amish- not the touris type stuff- but the real life of simplicity that they have accomplished and all the ways it manifests itself in their appearance. Such a wholesome clean goodness! Ahh- someday! I really want to walk amongst them and talk to them as people- not as an oddity.SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!!!
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